Saturday, March 7, 2020

Social Policy Level 5

Social Policy Level 5 Farrar, David. (July 2003). is a personal political blog of David Farrar. Having worked in politics his whole career he brings great knowledge on how the political system works. His site uses simple language and is very easy to understand. For each post he attaches numerous sources for and against the topic being discussed. Farrar believes there is no longer a need for Maori Seats in Parliament. His site is useful for showing how politics works in New Zealand.George, Garth. (2009, September 3). Maori seats the only way to gain power .New Zealand Herald, p. 13.This article discusses the need for Maori representation in Parliament. His points are clear and easy to understand. Conducting research by asserting himself into the Maori way of life for over a year George identifies the differences in Maori and Pakeha culture. This article is helpful in showing the contrasts between the two different cultures in regards to their political endeavours.The Waitangi Sheet o f the Treaty of Waitangi, sign...Joseph, Philip A. (2008).The Maori seats in Parliament. Auckland, New Zealand: New Zealand Business Roundtable.This journal proposes that the separation of Maori representation in Parliament be abolished. Joseph promotes four concepts in regards to Maori representation and explores two quarrels that are affiliated to the argument for abolition. This is a helpful source for those wanting to see in-depth explanations of current arguments for abolishing Maori seats.Reeves, Simon. (1996). To honor the treaty: The argument for equal seats. Auckland, New Zealand: Earth Restoration.Simon Reeves is a barrister and solicitor of the High Court of New Zealand. Reeves writes in-depth about the Treaty of Waitangi and its power and use for Maoris' in Parliament. Using examples of other indigenous races and how they have been represented in their country Parliament. He believes there should...

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